1 min read

Day 100 - #100DaysToOffload

Day 100 - #100DaysToOffload

This is it, the final day, day 100. I truly never thought I would make it.

I clicked the link to bring myself to this dashboard and kept getting a "Server not found error". That would have been typical for the server to crap itself on my very last post, but it looked like Firefox was having a moment and a restart resolved all. Thank goodness for "turn it off and on again".

I have got a looking back at the 100 days post which I wanted to do for today but just didn't get time throughout the day to finish off, so I'll save it for another post. It means I don't have to come up with new content!

I'm going to take a week or two off from posting for now and let myself recharge a little. After that, I'm hoping to maybe do one or two posts a week with more meaningful content rather than the utter drivel that you have been used to receiving.

Some upcoming posts are about my backups and how I'm planning on doing them, as well as emails, the services I use and how I handle them.

Along with those I hope to be posting a little more about the open source software I use. Trying to churn posts out day after day, I just didn't have the go in me to work on them in some odd order. I like a linear workflow.

To those of you who have just started, are a part way through or even considering starting with 100 Days To Offload, good luck. I'm going to really enjoy sitting back and reading for a while and putting the energy back in to interacting with you all.

So long, farewell, it has been an experience!

Post Photo by Floris Andréa on Unsplash