Temporary Greenhouse Complete
Today has been an exciting day. My new Polar Grit X turned up and so did the temporary greenhouse.
A post about the Polar Grit X will be reserved for my running blog - Gray Goat if you're interested.
But here is me "constructing" our lightweight greenhouse. I'd like to add that this isn't the final location. As you can see, that corner of the garden still needs clearing - but not until after the blackberries season has been. That would just be a waste of free fruit for the freezer!

As you can see, the corner will be cleared and the greenhouse rotated and set back against the wall where the chairs are being eaten by brambles.
The chilli plants have now been moved inside as the slugs have taken a recent liking to them which is a shame because they've been growing so damn perfectly. We have also moved the tomatoes in temporarily while it's so windy as they were getting blown about quite a bit.

Once it has been moved in to it's final location, I'll clear and level the ground and put some sheeting down to stop anything from growing up through. This will do until the weekend.
I was surprised how warm it was in there and how quickly it came up to temp after throwing the cover over the frame.
Anyway, temporary homing completed and it will be ready for the next round of potting which will save my sanity when the other half starts leaving seed trays all over the kitchen table and every window sill. They can all go straight out!
I've also got plans to completely re-do the shed with some proper shelving and a potting bench.