Day 77 - #100DaysToOffload

With very few news stories in the RSS feeds I'm bereft of inspiration for today's post. After a brief opening of presents this morning for my partners birthday, I popped out for my weekly long run. Back by lunch and then an afternoon of laziness. I have begun to ponder…

Another COVID-19 Week Down

Counting back through my calendar it looks like today marked 16 weeks since I last worked on site. I was there a little longer than some to assist with last minute requirements to enable others to work from home. With people starting to return to work in England (but not…

Day 75 - #100DaysToOffload

Thursday's. I hate Thursday's. We've implemented no meeting Friday at work to try and discourage the number of meetings we have and to try and get things done without them. While it makes Friday's free for me to actually do some damn work, it has not had the desired effect…

A Mix Up Post

EDIT: 2020/07/09 @ 18:12 – Response from Codeberg added towards the bottom. Just a quick post to cover a few different things today. First up is furthering my post from the other day regarding Adding Search to Ghost. I just re-enabled Plausible Analytics and noticed that one of the…

A Little Later Than Intended

I finally got around to upgrading my trial account of Plausible Analytics to a full blown account as I promised. It took me a little longer than planned as other things have been higher up the financial chain, but it's done now. While it hasn't been the end of the…

Adding Search to Ghost

I was writing a post the other day and wanted to reference a previous post, but I couldn't remember which one it was in. Unfortunately, search is not something that comes as a default with Ghost. What can I say, there's things I do and don't like about it... I…

Day 71 - #100DaysToOffload

With the slightly longer weekend coming to an end already, I can't believe how fast it has gone. We went for a long (9 mile) walk in the woods, came home to freshly baked bread, I played some Destiny 2 and managed to clear Titan of collectibles. Other than that,…