A Quick Look - Microsoft PowerToys for Windows 10

Pre-Warning: I still need to add Alt-Text to the screenshots. I'm afraid I was in a rush in getting this post together. For those that need it, I apologise and it will be updated. I haven't done a Microsoft/Windows related post for a while now, not since my quick…

Day Off - Avoiding Computers & Phones

Today was the start of a long weekend. As much as I wanted to play games and blow shit up, I made an effort to stay away from my computer and phone screens. We all spend far too much time attached to our technology. Because of this I don't really…

A Long Weekend

Today is a cause for celebration. Not only do I have tomorrow off, but also Monday which makes this a full long weekend. This is probably a good thing as I have no idea how I was going to get through another day of work at this point. I'm afraid…

A Static U-Turn

Yesterday I posted about considering a move from Ghost over to a static site in an effort to save the $5/month I currently pay for hosting this particular blog. I received some fantastic feedback from the Fosstodon community: With that in mind I opted to attempt a trial of…

Thoughts on Static

I've been thinking for a while that Ghost may be complete overkill for what I need, especially when #100DaysToOffload comes to an end as I'll be posting a lot less. Do I really need a full Linode running NGINX & Ghost when all I'll have to offer is a post…

A Roller-coaster of Emotions

There has been one thing that has got me through the fact that Monday means back to work after what feels like weekends that last about 5 minutes. That thing has been a new episode of Snowpiercer on Netflix. Just as I sat down on the sofa, calendar pinged and…

A Faulty Firefox

I began today with such good intentions, but that wasn't to be. I got a few things done but the research I planned on doing I can no longer be bothered to do after resolving an unexpected issue. After an update and a restart, I was confronted with this window:…

GitBook Emails

I recently posted about my not so positive first impression over GitBook. It's not that the service was bad by any stretch. More that I felt some fundamentals were needlessly locked behind a "Team" plan who's cost was excessive for an individual who wanted slightly more. It could really have…