An Enjoyable Walk
Nothing really to say today for day 22 of #100DaysToOffload so here's some pictures from my walk earlier
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Well, that's the ultimate question isn't it.
There's been a spate of career and
Day 20 - #100DaysToOffload
Today is a non-event post day I'm afraid. Which is also why I've reverted back to
How a Desktop Background Search Led to a Comic Discovery
First, some housekeeping. For the regular visitors among you (why, what the hell is wrong with you?) - You may
Day 18 - #100DaysToOffload - Replace OnePlus 3 Rear Camera: Attempt 1
This really is an offload rant today.
Attempting to replace the camera module in my poor little OnePlus 3 went
Day 17 - #100DaysToOffload - Messaging Apps
Following on a little from yesterdays post about the possibility of replacing my mobile device, I thought I'd
Day 16 - #100DaysToOffload - Mobile Phones
I have to admit, I'm not one to keep up with the trends. The idea of replacing my
Day 15 - #100DaysToOffload - FOSS in Space?
Pre Warning: We may play fast and loose with some terminology in here for the sake of getting a post
Day 14 - #100DaysToOffload - Keybase Short Rant
I haven't really planned anything to write about today and I've left it a little late
Day 13 - #100DaysToOffload - Site Analytics
A couple of days ago I was looking in to adding some analytics to my Ghost based blogs as it